Open Air Cinema 2024 – Review

Open Air Kino 2024 Popcorn Philip

Almost exactly a month ago, another great open-air cinema came to an end for us. Before we start the summer break, we would like to share the best moments and stories from this year's edition with you in this short review!

We have been organizing our “HfG Open Air Cinema” since 2019, so this year (minus the Corona break) we actually went into the 5th round, a small anniversary. And as a newly registered non-profit association, we naturally felt the great need to do something for the community once again and invite you to an open-air dance on the big green meadow! Our first association project, how would we manage it?

However, apart from the introductory message that we are a young, up-and-coming association, always up for a bit of fun, keen to meet new faces and happy to receive any helpful donations, everything was basically the same: a feeling of familiarity and transparency quickly set in.

This was immediately mixed with our well-known ambition to go the extra mile and this brought our guests and us POPCORN, a premiere at the open-air cinema, hard to believe! Plus the usual bar standard with the finest culinary delights, ketchup, mustard, sausages (vegan), nachos, snacks and cool drinks!

A highlight this year was once again our DJ line-up, many old acquaintances alongside many new faces - a special feature: each movie night was opened by a different DJ. Before the movie even started, the atmosphere on the lawn in front of the HfG was exactly where our DJs wanted it to be: ready for lift-off!

The weather did the rest (with one exception) and so we had 5 great days full of music, films, quizzes and competitions, rattling film projectors and more guests than ever before.

Last but not least, there was an innovation to mention and recap: 2024 was non-stop cinema, a festival atmosphere in front of the HfG, because we had decided not to play on two weekends as in previous years, but 5 days in a row. No break, which was intense but also very nice and on the last day there was a certain sense of relief :)

Many thanks to everyone who was there, we'd like to give ourselves a pat on the back, it was a great open air movie and we're looking forward to 2025!

See film program

Many thanks to Matylda Eaton and Quirin Thalhammer for the awesome photos!