
Blauer Salon
Winter term 2017
The Connection

The Connection

  • The Connection
  • Drama, Documentary
  • USA
  • 1961
  • Director: Shirley Clarke
  • 110 min
  • 35mm
  • Original Version with german Subtitles
  • with Jerome Raphael, Garry Goodrow, Carl Lee

A title card announces that the film is a result of found footage assembled by cameraman J.J. Burden working for the acclaimed documentary filmmaker Jim Dunn, who has disappeared. Leach, a heroin addict, introduces the audience to his apartment where other heroin addicts, a mix of current and former jazz musicians, are waiting for Cowboy, their drug connection, to appear. Things go out of control as the men grow increasingly nervous and the cameraman keeps recording.

Loan of the film print with kind support of Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V..
Logo Arsenal Berlin