
Blauer Salon
Winter term 2019
My Best Fiend

My Best Fiend

Mein liebster Feind | Germany, United Kingdom, Finland, USA | 1999 | Director: Werner Herzog | 95 min | 35mm | Original Version with german Subtitles

Klaus Kinski and Werner Herzog are still closely associated in the public eye today. In 1999, eight years after Kinski's death, Herzog made a documentary about the “raging man”. Rejected by ZDF with the concern that the film could turn into “unbearable navel-gazing”, it proved to be a real success with audiences. Mein liebster Feind' shows Kinski in diametrical extremes: as a man raging with anger, whose uncontrolled outbursts could also turn violent, as well as a sensitive and tender man plagued by an inner restlessness.

Loan of the film print with kind support of HfG Karlsruhe.