Review Open Air Cinema 2021

Open Air Kino 2021 Quirin Bar

It was a ride out of the frying pan and into the fire: we didn't think anything bad about it, we made a small open air cinema in June after the Corona Downer, but either we were too lazy to clean up the stuff, or we couldn't get enough of it. Either way, the result: non-stop open-air cinema in front of the HfG from June to the end of August!

Ludger Pfanz didn't let himself get carried away and bought an Airscreen during the corona lockdown. It's a mixture of bouncy castle and movie screen. He originally wanted to use it to make the green spaces surrounding Karlsruhe, quarry ponds, etc. unsafe, because people were no longer allowed to meet indoors. Unfortunately, the seminars at the lake never materialized, but Ludger and the cinema in the Blauer Salon started an open-air cinema in front of the HfG as soon as we were allowed to do something again. We had already tried once in 2019, but it was (4 tons) more difficult to start, with steel scaffolding, static calculations and then a shitstorm because of politically incorrect humor.

Matured and with a light and airy screen, we started in June. All hell broke loose, it had to be cordoned off due to corona measures and with a hygiene concept, no more than 100 people were allowed on the meadow. Sometimes another 100 people camped in front of the barriers, it was really breathtaking after two years of isolation.

Then there was the question of whether to take it down or leave it, and the answer was easy: leave it for the time being. And when July came, it was clear that there would be another open-air cinema for the tour in mid-July, it was still standing, you just had to blow it up. And when July was over, we still didn't feel like cleaning up and we went into the third round.

In total, we presented 10 analog screenings in glorious 35mm from mid-June to the end of August, we had great DJs, live silent film accompaniment with HfG students and alumni, great posters, a super loyal audience, no stress, almost only good rain, but the best thing in retrospect was that there was a lot of time to find each other as a team.

We are looking forward to 2022!

See Film program 2021