Das neue Programm im Wintersemester: Farben!

The Wizard of Oz

The time has finally come: after a long period of thinking back and forth, poring over Excel spreadsheets and reviewing trailers, our programme team has now agreed on a great new programme for the cinema winter 24/25 in the Blauer Salon!

Our new series, "Cinema of Colors," where we explore the captivating phenomenon of color in film through ten carefully selected movies. We’ll delve into how color is created, how it affects us, and what it conveys. After all, aside from time, few things are as essential as light and color, which nourish both our lives and our projectors. While black-and-white cinema defined the early years, the introduction of Technicolor in the 1930s marked the beginning of a new era in our visual experiences: color embeds itself as emotion deeply in our memories. Who could forget the red coat in "Schindler’s List"? Why does a Wes Anderson film have an instantly recognizable look, and what color is the "Matrix" again?

Throughout the winter semester, our program will unfold like a rainbow, proving that the Blue Salon is not resting on its monochrome reputation. Quite the contrary is the case: our association is thriving and growing. To celebrate, we’re introducing two new series this semester that we’ll be revisiting frequently: the Double Feature and the Cult Sneak. And, of course, our must-attend event "Jazz in the Blue Salon" will be a part of it.

We’ve spared no effort in curating a vibrant selection of classics and rarities from the international film landscape: 10 films of different genres from 10 different countries and 10 decades will chase away the gray of the season from your eyes and hearts!

Find the program here!