Filmstill Führung

Guided Tour

Führung | Germany | 2011 | Director: René Frölke | 37 min | HD Video | German Original Version | with Peter Sloterdijk, Peter Weibel, Horst Köhler

In 2008 - at the height of the financial crisis - the then Federal President Horst Köhler visits the HfG. There he was given an exclusive guided tour by Peter Weibel and Peter Sloterdijk... A guided tour could hardly be more educational, as you have the opportunity to look over the shoulders of intellectual greats such as Peter Sloterdijk and Peter Weibel. The then Federal President visits the HfG; its student René Frölke captured in concentrated black and white how the improvised media art discourse of the aforementioned gentlemen is colored by the longing for reflection on the real economy.

Loan of the film print with kind support of HfG Karlsruhe.