Blauer Salon
Summer term 2025


Sátántangó | Germany, Hungary, Switzerland | 1994 | Director: Béla Tarr | 432 min | 35mm | Original Version with german Subtitles | with Mihály Víg, Putyi Horváth, Székely B. Miklós

The last inhabitants of an abandoned settlement set out to escape their miserable existence by following the promises of a false prophet named Irimias. But the supposed savior and his companion Petrina seem to have come with their own intentions and know how to cleverly exploit the naivety of the inhabitants. Béla Tarr describes the hopeless attitude to life of his protagonists in endless, gloomy long takes. Sátántangó is a meditation on time, but also a parable about the decline of humanity. With its formal rigor, atmospheric expressiveness and unusual narrative style that grips the viewer and does not let go - for more than seven hours - this film stands out from Béla Tarr's entire work. A monument of contemporary cinema, indeed of film history in general. And this monument will be shown 35mm. A meditation for the viewer and a marathon in the screening room.

Loan of the film print with kind support of Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V..
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