Filmstill_Loin de vietnam_2

Blauer Salon
Summer term 2019
Far from Vietnam

Far from Vietnam

Loin du Vietnam | France | 1967 | Director: Chris Marker, Alain Resnais, Claude Lelouch, William Klein, Joris Ivens, Agnès Varda, Jean-Luc Godard | 115 min | 35mm | Original Version with english Subtitles | with Anne Bellec, Karen Blanguernon, Bernard Fresson

In 1967, as a reaction to the Vietnam War and the media coverage of it, mostly French directors and one female director formed a group that wanted to show in a collective film how this war, supposedly far away in the Far East, affects their consciousness. The result was a compilation of several documentary and fictional short films, each of which became a sign of passionate protest in its own right, but even more so as a whole. A film-historically highly interesting example of how politically engaged cinema can nevertheless produce highly individual contributions.

Loan of the film print with kind support of Institut Français.
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