
Blauer Salon
Winter term 2017
Blessing Bell

Blessing Bell

  • Kōfuku no kane
  • Comedy, Drama
  • Japan
  • 2002
  • Director: Sabu
  • 87 min
  • 35mm
  • Original Version with german Subtitles
  • with Susumu Terajima, Naomi Nishida, Ryoko Shinohara

A morning in the abandoned yard of a factory plant. Igarashi (Susumu Terajima) starts to move. Wordlessly, he drifts and meets a wide variety of characters on his journey. Among them is a yakuza, a murderer, a mother and a ghost. As if strung on a string of pearls, one story follows the next and just as unexpectedly as the individual stories begin, they also end again. At the end of his journey, Igarashi discovers that there can only be one place for him. The only question is which one.

Loan of the film print with kind support of Rapid Eye Movies
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