Review: Silent Film Event

Stummfilmabend Screen Publikum

We think so: Always nice to look back! So we look back on a great silent movie night last Monday. A promising start to a new musical and cinematic year 2024. We are delighted that so many of you came along, Richard Siedhoff once again outdid himself on the keys and the films were great - great, great, great!

You couldn't have wished for a better start to 2024 - on a cinematic level. The grand piano was freshly tuned, the projectors freshly oiled, Richard Siedhoff was on time and didn't go on strike, and the Blue Salon was sold out, someone had to stand on the far right, but I think he thought that was a good thing. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Bundesverband kommunale Filmarbeit once again for allowing us to use the 35mm archive print of Chemi Bebia. And also thanks to Lobster Films for the restoration of Ménilmontant, both films were absolutely great and Richard didn't know them yet, which we were quite proud of, because he knows some films :)

And now, true to our motto "(24) pictures (per second) say more than a thousand words" we hand you over to the flood of pictures.