FIlmstill Jaws

Kino im Blauen Salon

Upcoming Screenings

Filmstill Wizard Of Oz
Cinema of Colors
The Wizard of Oz
Filmstill Und das Leben geht weiter
Cinema of Colors
Und das Leben geht weiter
Enter The Void
Cinema of Colors
Enter The Void
See all screenings


  • Open Air Kino 2022 Wiese Tag Aufbau Seite Totale 169

    Impressions Open Air Cinema 2022

    It was two wonderful weeks in front of the HfG. Great films, great people, great weather. Here are some impressions of this year's Open Air Cinema in pictures!

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  • Grafik Open Air Kino 2022 Querformat ohne Daten

    Open Air Cinema 2022

    As Sepp Herberger said: After the Open Air is before the Open Air!

    The 30th anniversary film festival was great, thanks to all who were there! We'll clean up briefly and then we'll see you again on the green lawn with the colorful chairs for the Open Air cult sneak nights starting July 29.

  • Grafik 30 Jahre HfG Filmfestival 16 9

    30 Years HfG Film Festival

    From July 12 - July 16, 2022, a film festival will be held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of our university by presenting a colorful selection of HfG films. Each day, a film from the Zeitbild Lab (2019-2022) will be shown, along with a selection of films from 30 years of HfG film history. In addition to the filmmakers, other guests will be present to tell us about 30 years of HfG.

  • Filmstill Spiel

    Filmfestival Trailer

    We are very very much looking forward to the 30th anniversary of the HfG Film Festival. To increase the anticipation even more here is a trailer that shows a little bit in which direction it will go! Thanks for the trailer, Knut!

  • Filmstill Chantal Akerman 169

    Retrospective Chantal Akerman

    In collaboration with film professor Serpil Turhan, it has long been an affair of the heart to bring the work of Chantal Akerman to the people! We are very pleased to be able to show some of the Belgian filmmaker's films in the Blue Salon this semester.

  • Filmstill This Is Not The End

    Graduation Studio 2022

    From June 02 to 19, 2022, the graduation exhibition "Graduation Studio" will be held in the atriums of the HfG. In the Blue Salon there will be a show of diploma films on four dates.

  • Blauer Salon Team Shooting Reihe 169

    Program Summer Term 2022

    Where is the key to the Blue Salon? For almost two years we were no longer in it - forced break thanks to renovation. But now it's starting again, there is cinema in the Blauer Salon again. We are very much looking forward to finally watching movies together with people again and talking shop over a cool drink! Who will be there?

  • Filmstill HfG Martini Broes

    HfG Videothek March Edition

    Early for the start of spring, in anticipation of the 30th anniversary of the HfG and for all those who do not know what to do in the lecture-free period: The new edition of the HfG Videothek. 30 new films about fun, seriousness, knowledge and art. We hope there is something for everyone!

  • Filmstill Kneecam 169

    News from the HfG VIdeothek

    For Christmas, our streaming offer again includes over 30 new and old films by students and teachers. A colorful potpourri of documentary, experimental, feature films, short, long, colorful, black and white, funny, sad, there should be something for everyone. We wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and Happy Streaming!

  • LIchthofkino 3 169

    Silent Films in the Atrium

    Kino im Lichthof der HfG! Das Duo saiLento, bestehend aus der Pianistin Reiko Emura und dem Schlagzeuger Shinichi Minami untermalen musikalisch den Stummfilm Eine Seite des Wahnsinns (1926) von Teinosuke Kinugasa. Vorfilm: Hände: Das Leben und die Liebe eines zärtlichen Geschlechts (1928) von Stella F. Simon. Der Themenabend wird mit Stücken von Wolfgang Rihm, Toru Takemitsu, Robert Schumann und Tom Johnson umrahmt.

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